Friday, August 15, 2008

Is it important to know the reality?

"Q: What will happen to me by understanding these mind-body processes? (Elizabeth, East Sussex Retreat)

A: As a result, you can get rid of wrong view or false view of a soul, a self, a person or an individuality etc. Because of this wrong view, we are attached to ourselves, our family, our relatives, our properties. As long as we have attachment to ourselves we are sure to experience many kinds of suffering such as sorrow, worry, mental and physical diseases when we come across the loss of something in our life. Those who practise this mindfulness meditation can be free from such sufferings because they have already realised the nature of mind-body process. When our concentration and mindfulness gain momentum the ignorance, wrong view, and attachment can be got rid of through our insight knowledge which can give rise to peace and happiness. For this reason, it is really important to know our mind-body process in its true nature by means of meditation."

[Reference: The New Rays of Dhamma,]

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