Worse>>If you throw a dead human body in front of others' houses, they will not be able to stand with that at all. They will be shocked and gone crazy.
How terrible our bodies are! Even more disgusting than Trash!
Bodies are decaying every single sec but luckily, those seem fresh and even beautiful because we can cover their destroy in time by cleaning the whole day.
Tell me where is "I" , where is "You" , where are "He" and "She."
Since there is no "You" , how come you still can be proud of yourself.
There is Nothing! Except two things: "Mind and Body."
eg: If you own something, you can do whatever you want it to be. If you think you own your body because it's your body, you'll be wrong.
Think a tiny example when you get pain from your finger that you just accidently cut by knife, can you give command "it" not to give you pain or can you beg "it" pardon not to give you pain if you think you own your body? It remains painful on your finger however you are commanding or begging not to. Don't tell me that you can apply medicine on your finger to remain normal. If one of your electronic devices is broken, you can repair it. Body is like a machine, you can repair it but you can not avoid getting pain before you repair. You can not get your device normal by commanding or begging without repairing. You cannot get your finger well by commanding or begging without applying medicine, you will get painful anyway because you have another thing: "Mind." That's the only difference between device and body and also that's the thing that make you confused in thinking that I'm hurt, I'm painful. You add "I" like "it's my body, it's my house" just because of Mind.
*In fact, there is only Mind and Body. Nothing more! Please don't confuse or mess around with "I" or "You" or "He" or "She" related to a particular "Mind and Body" that you think those are yours!
* You can call me anything you like: "Fool" * "Crazy" * "Friend".......
My name, "Khine" means nothing but just to avoid confusing with others in particular cases.
I don't have any addiction or proudness of my name.
The more you can get rid of addiction to anything related to yourself (eg, name, race, gender, country, etc.), the more peaceful you will absolutely be!
[By U Tin Shwe in a meditation center in 2004]
I was shocked to hear that much serious stuff when I first joined in to a Buddhism Meditation Center ("Yay Kuu Myo Ma" Monestery) in Myanmar. Please forgive me if this blog makes you annoyed or sounds aggressive by realizing that I just want to share my knowledge with you. I don't hope you to accept this idea at all but at least you can taste Buddha's philosophy once! Since my English is bad, I feel sorry that I couldn't explain well enough. Example inside is just from my own understanding of the concept. Thanks a lot for reading this blog!