Saturday, March 29, 2008

Friendship Nails

```Once upon a time, there was a boy who was very short-tempered. One day, his father gave him a bag of nails and said, "If you are angry once, go and hit one nail into the wood pole in front of the house." Even for the first day, he hit 37 nails into the pole. After he hit nails into the pole whenever he was mad for several times, he could gradually control his mind. Hitting nails is getting lesser on the pole day after day. Then, the boy realized that it's even easier to keep his anger than hitting the nails into the pole. At last, a very nice day that he weren't angry at all reaches to him. Then, he ran and gave that good news to his father, "Dad, I could control my mind!"

Again, his father asked him another to do, "As soon as you could control your mind one whole day, go and take the nails that you hit into the pole out before you go to sleep." Over a perid of time, he could tell his father, "Dad, I could retake all the nails that I hit. Nothing left on the pole!"

Then, his father grabbed his son's hand and took him to the pole, and said, "It's great, my son! But look at the pole carefully! Holes remain on the pole. This pole is not like before. It was so smooth before and now it's so rough with holes. See? In the same way, when you told something really bad to others, there would be scars in their hearts. After you scratched someone with knife and however you begged their pardon for several times, wound and scars will definitely remain. So, please remember that when you hit someone with your insult words, scars on their heart will surely remain just like scratching with knife. In fact, friends are precious jewelleries. They can make us laugh with joy, help to reach our goals, even can listen when we need to tell something sad and share our joy and sadness. Friends are the ones who always open their hearts and welcome to us."

^_^ You are my friend. I'm very proud of being your friend! One of my friends sent this to me and now I give it back to you. @_@ Let me tell you one thing````

** If there are holes remaining on the pole in front of your house because of Me, I beg your pardon not to be mad at me anymore!!!

[Translated from the book "Peaceful Life, clear and fresh Mind" by Atta Kyaw]

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