* A couple; the wife was always talking about divorce. However, she was left alone because her husband divorced her first, finally.
* Two students who love each other; one told another "Don't move to other school!" She said that several times. However, the one who said that moved to other school first.
* If we think to depend on someone, that someone always has things that are leaving and unstableness which overwhelms him. These things are naturally happening all the time around us.
* The truth is bitter and hard to face. However, we have to face; we can't avoid!
* It's true that everyone doesn't want to be apart from their loved ones or the ones they depend on. However, we can't avoid the fact that we have to be apart anyway definitely in one day which is much shorter than 100 years!!!
* There are countless number of people who depended on someone or who was too worried for someone died.
* The trouble that weakers have to depend on strongers or the trouble that strongers have to worry about weakers gets more troubled because of self's attachment!
** Therefore, try to stay in detachment and depend only on self. No one can depend on another except self.
[Reference: poorly translated from a forward mail]
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