Wednesday, December 25, 2013

The Best Nine Natural Remedies For Constipation

When you rarely have a bowel movement, or it takes you a lot of effort to pass stool, you have constipation. It is usually associated with hard stools or difficulty passing them, you may have pain while passing stools or may be unable to have a bowel movement after straining or pushing for more than 10 minutes.

With proper nutrition, complementary products and exercise you will encourage the body to digest. The main reasons for constipation are due to stress, irregular diet and consuming a lot of white flour, processed products and fried food. In addition to the discomfort in constipation itself, it often comes with headaches, gas, and in severe cases even hemorrhoids and wounds on the skin.

So if you want to spend less time in the toilet and have regular bowel movements, the following tips are helpful and easy to implement:

1. Eat fiber

Food products fortified with dietary fibers or products containing them naturally are known for their ability to help the digestive system. Insoluble fibers absorb water on their way to the body, and thereby soften the stool and increase its volume, which encourages easy and fast bowel movements. Fiber exist in whole grains including rice and buckwheat, as well as nuts and almonds.
Use fibers wisely: those who are not used to consume regularly high amount of fiber, should increase their consumption gradually, so as not to cause the formation of gases. Also, those who have undergone gastrointestinal surgery or have diseases related to it, should not consume foods rich in fiber without consulting a doctor.

2. Drink lots of water

Without adequate consumption of fluids, dietary fiber you eat will only worsen the constipation. It is important to drink at least eight glasses a day. In addition, adequate intake of water helps cleanse the body and helps in metabolism.

3. Eat prunes and dried figs

Dried fruits in general, andparticularly prunes, can help the digestive system to function well. Prunes are specially good for that because they are rich in sorbitol, which encourages bowel movement. It is recommended to soak the prunes in boiling water for a few hours, eat them and drink the juice generated, preferably in the morning before a meal. Also dried figs assist with the bowel movement, mainly because they are high in fiber. You can also eat them after soaking them in boiling water.

4. Fresh tomato puree and beetroot

Eating fresh tomato puree along with a tablespoon of olive oil will help the intestines to function properly. So does eating a nice dose of fresh beetroot.

5. Don’t peel fruits and vegetables

Another excellent source of dietary fiber is the natural skin of the fruits and vegetables we eat. Instead of bothering to peel, give your mouth to work a little harder, and allow yourself two fruits a day with their skin if you want to keep in shape. They are also an excellent source of unprocessed sugar, and can serve as a natural snack that will soothe and settle the gut.

6. Take probiotics

The good bacteria that live in the colon balance the harmful bacteria, help the immune system to function well, decrease the formation of gases, prevent intestinal infections and regulate their function. Thus they help in cases of constipation. Nowadays they can be obtained in fortified food products, especially dairy products or as supplements.

7. Non-prescription natural products

When dietary change doesn’t help, you can purchase herbal medicines that are usually sold in the form of leaves, powder or pills. There are preparations produced from Tibetan tea and in more difficult situations you can use glycerine candles and paraffin oil. However, although they are natural products, many of these products may lead to dependence of the stomach which would cause difficulties to function without them, so you should consult a doctor or pharmacist before using them and not use them for a long time.

8. Regular exercise and yoga

Nowadays almost everyone is aware of the importance of exercise for health and general well-being. In general, most of us in the eat more than we need, and not spend enough energy. Even going out for walks and climbing stairs instead of the elevator can improve our physical situation and help the digestive system work properly. In addition, there are yoga exercises especially treating the digestive system. Practice, take a deep breath and release.

9. Relax

Finally, stress generally affects the digestive system and often causes diarrhoea or alternatively constipation. In addition, stress may lead to increased activity in the esophagus and stomach and cause heartburn. Try to use relaxing techniques to calm yourself.

Click here to read more tips for a healthier digestive system:
Eating Tips for a Healthier Digestive System
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